The Kinsey Sicks – Electile Dysfunction
If you love Donald Trump, you’ll hate this show!
Join The Kinsey Sicks as Angel, Trampolina, Trixie and Winnie campaign to become the first Dragapella® Beautyshop Quartet to be elected President of the United States on the Republican ticket.
How, you may ask?
“We don’t think Donald Trump has gone far enough,” noted a spokesmodel for the group. “We can sink even lower.” Critics who have reviewed The Kinsey Sicks agree the group presents Mr. Trump with a formidable challenge.
Watch as the gals take (a)back America by out-pandering, out-conspiracy theorizing, and out-outlandishing the current President through sharp-witted original songs and biting parodies that are delivered in glorious four-part harmony. America’s Favorite Dragapella® Beautyshop Quartet has served up a feast of music and comedy to audiences at performing arts centers, music venues and comedy festivals throughout the US and internationally! Their phenomenal performance record includes an Off-Broadway show, an extended run in Vegas, two feature films and three concert DVDs, nine albums, and appearances in over 40 US states, Canada, Mexico, Europe, and Australia. The Kinsey Sicks’ award-winning a cappella singing, pointed satire and over-the-top drag have earned them a diverse and devoted following.