Mexico Will Teach You a Lesson

Mexico Will Teach You A Lesson

You decided to spend a little extended time away from your LIFE.  So…Mexico.  Why not?

Your friends all tell you that it’s pretty cheap and the people are friendly. The hamster wheel isn’t slowing down and you’re not sure what you’re going to do if you don’t get out of it, even if only for a bit of time.

Beware, mi amigo, Mexico is going to teach you new lessons, it’s going to change you. For one thing, you’re going to have something you never had back home. Time. Time to read a book, time to take a siesta, time to go to the beach on a Tuesday at 2pm. Time to just – sit and think. And you’re going to see the value very quickly, if you didn’t already see it when you came for a visit (and asked yourself, I wonder what it’s like to live here –you saw it then).

PV has another feature that many Mexico towns don’t offer – the ocean – the salt water. It’s the cure for everything, from your physical wounds to your mental ones. Have you ever taken a walk along the ocean and return to your condo to find yourself in a rotten mood? No, of course not. You go TO the ocean to get rid of all of that. You go to soothe the soul. You go seeking answers and are relieved when the ocean gives them to you.

It’s impossible to walk through PV without being greeted by people on the street, shop owners, restaurants, etc. They all say hello, how are you – and they say it as if they really mean it. Okay, sometimes they are trying to get you to come to their shop/restaurant, but they are doing their job. Pass someone enough times and they are going to try to have a conversation with you – hey, where’s your dog today? Is today the day you join us for a drink? I appreciate the effort but my point is, they are paying attention. They notice you. They see you. I would go to the same coffee shop back home in the states 2-3 times a week and no one ever greeted me like this. Ever.

Mexico sort of has that endless childhood summer feeling – except that we’re older now and we can really appreciate being fully relaxed, making no plans but rather feeling our way through life.

Help me out here varsity – what are some of the things that happened to you here that you were pleasantly surprised about?

About the Author

Picture of Charlotte Guptill

Charlotte Guptill

I fell in love with PV on my first trip in 2008 and came back to visit every chance I got. I moved here January 2019 - and I'm experiencing so many things that I want to share. If you feel like you can add to my posts with your own experiences, feel free.

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