I Survived the Summer of 2019 in Puerto Vallarta!

I survived the summer of 2019 in puerto vallarta

For those of you that live here year round, you probably remember your first summer here. Everyone tells you how hot it’s going to be and you just wait for it to happen. You stock up on powder and plan your three showers a day. It’s all about perspective and for me the heat turned out to be just fine. I mean, I used to practice Bikram Yoga four days a week in a room that was 108°. Surely it wouldn’t be that hot.

I spent my summers in Florida – inland. Part of the summer I stayed in a home without AC. I know the feeling of HOT. Gladly, if my memory serves me correctly (and it often doesn’t these days), the heat I experienced in my youth didn’t compare to the heat of a PV summer – in a good way.

Sure, it was hot but thanks to the ocean and hills, there were breezy moments and the rain certainly helped to bring the temperature down a notch. The only time I felt smothered in heat was when we had an early morning rain and then the sun came out in full force – lifting all that moisture into the air.

I learned from many that live here year round that summer was their FAVORITE time of year. Many live in homes without AC and don’t seem to mind it. If you’re relating to this, then I guess you’ve found your home. You are a warm/hot weather person.

Like some of you, I’m from the north (Portland, Maine) and even in the middle of summer, you still bring a jacket with you most days. I was forever cold and the winters became unbearable (I mean, if you don’t HAVE to live somewhere that you’re uncomfortable, then you might as well move to a better climate). When I’m missing the cold, I just take a walk through the produce section of Costco and that usually validates my reason for moving here.

We’ve rolled into October and already I can feel the temperature changing. There has been a lot of activity with businesses getting ready for high season and soon many of my favorite places will be back open for business.

For those of you that don’t stay here year round BECAUSE of the heat, I get that too. It’s not for everyone. You have to really stay hydrated and make sure you don’t harbor any standing water near your home for fear of Dengue.

But if you do decide to give it a try, I swear you won’t melt.

About the Author

Picture of Charlotte Guptill

Charlotte Guptill

I fell in love with PV on my first trip in 2008 and came back to visit every chance I got. I moved here January 2019 - and I'm experiencing so many things that I want to share. If you feel like you can add to my posts with your own experiences, feel free.

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