Catch Me If You Can: November 19-22nd 2019

catch me if you can we love pv

After a long week of obviously productive pursuits like setting up Vallarta CoWork’s Nomad Bazaar (Saturday the 14th, nothing over 300p, free sangria!) and painting a Lifestyle Scout unit number on the sleeve of my #WeLovePV t-shirt (322, of course), the weekend rolled around once more and it was time to suit up and show out.

Thursday, Nov 19, 2019

The #WeLovePV staff meeting at Bar La Playa (Lázaro Cárdenas 179, Zona Romántica) revealed some especially interesting developments in our promo package.

Our mural wall dedicated to life, love, and loving life in this sunny city by the sea is set to make its debut by the end of the year, which means it’s coming soon to a social media account near you…it’ll be like the P U E R T O V A L L A R T A letters near Los Arcos Ampitheatre, damn near nobody that passes that thing will be able to resist a quick pic.

We’re also looking to get those sweet #WeLovePV tees into brick and mortar stores, but if you need one today because you just heart this place so much, you can always shoot a message at Darren, Charlotte, or yours truly online…if you haven’t sent me a friend request yet, why not?

Friday, Nov 20, 2019

This Friday afternoon Mariscos Cisneros was the destination for our weekly office field trip from Vallarta CoWork (101 Morelos, Centro) , and here I indulged myself with the signature soft shell crab tacos, arriving three to a plate covered in a savory sauce. Backed up by a cold cerveza, it was definitely my best lunch of the week.

Once the Flying Cafeteria landed back across the Rio Cuale at the space, I tucked the keys into a cargo pocket and hopped on a bus heading north, where Kelly of The Living Room bookstore (Av Paseo de la Marina 245, Marina Vallarta) was ready to show off her wares and awareness.

Naturally we spent hours discussing the impact of literature in our lives, but in case you like food food to go with your brain food, their cheese bagel with sun-dried tomato cream cheese tastes exactly like pizza. Won’t be the last time you read about that place here.

Saturday, Nov 21, 2019

Saturday was a big day for #WeLovePV, as our second monthly community meetup went down at Sonorita (Pino Suárez 234, Zona Romántica). I’d smartly set the start time to coincide with happy hour, and so it was easy for our group to get into the spirits of connection. Over the next 5 hours, new friends were made, plenty of 17 peso tacos flew in from the meat cone that greets guests at the door, and a good time was had by all…you should really try and make it next time.

After we had our fill of al-pastor, a few of us from the first anniversary party for No Sé Nada, a favorite local bar as well as a popular pit stop along the ArtWalk route (if you haven’t had that experience yet feel free to come along with the #WeLovePV group this week, Dec. 11).

The standard bar sign promise of “free drinks tomorrow” finally came through on this day, as owner couple Tim and Tracey were gracious enough to offer complimentary shots of their premium tequila to everyone that joined them for the festivities…it was all the encouragement we needed to stay and play until well after the official closing time.

On the way home the accumulated effect of the evening’s intake began to manifest itself, as the last NSN margarita had placed me right on the line between sociable and sloshed. That’s when I did something I’m not proud of: I stopped at an international chain restaurant for a midnight snack.

I was drunk and it only happened once, I’m so sorry.

While I waited for my guilty pleasure Yankee feed, a few folks even more well-served than myself brought their private party into the restaurant, loudly quacking revelries among them. One, apparently sensing my affinity for munchies, asked what my favorite choice on the menu was…I told him (although I won’t advertise it here, they have quite enough promotion) and he took my suggestion with the utmost gratitude…gotta love fast food joints in the wee hours.

Sunday, Nov 22, 2019

After Saturday’s shenanigans Sunday seemed like a good time to take it easy, and  day at Playa Camarones served as a welcome change of pace. A few Kwik-E-Mart beers and a chicken from the rotisserie place made for an ideal afternoon of relaxation…also had the advantage of being a perfect fit for my expense account here at #WeLovePV.

About the Author

Picture of AJ Freeman

AJ Freeman

AJ Freeman is an adventurous spirit, serial friend maker, and general enthusiast. He lives his everyday life hoping to demonstrate the nearly infinite potential for discovery and wonder on this small wet rock orbiting a dim yellow star in the backwoods of the Milky Way.

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