How to Teach English Online From Anywhere

How to Teach English Online From Anywhere

Want a job that goes where you go?

Working in a foreign country isn’t easy without a proper work visa – and those are often difficult to get.  Then you have to accept the rate of pay, which is far less than the average hourly rate in the US.  For example, the average job in Mexico pays about $1.33 USD per hour.  You can do the math – you would spend all your time working.

Meet Rachel Story of the Grateful Gypsies.  Rachel has successfully been working online from all over the world since 2016.  She has created an online course on how to teach English online from anywhere.

Can anyone basically do this?

Most online English teaching jobs require that you have a degree – but not all.  It would be great to show that you’ve had one year of experience working with kids.

What do I need to get started?

An iPad or laptop, head set, microphone, webcam, puppet/stuffed animal, and a white board.  You’ll need reliable internet and you can find that in most co-work spaces.

What does your typical workday look like?

I teach from 6am-9am, 5 or 6 days a week.  Sometimes I teach in the evening too.  The great thing about this job is that you set your own hours – the time difference has to work, it’s based upon your time zone.  I typically work about 22-25 hours a week teaching.  The other part of my week is devoted to our blog, Grateful Gypsies, and experiencing the location where we are staying.

What can I expect to earn teaching online?

You can earn about $7-9 per class which are 25 minutes long.  There are incentives on top of that, so you end up earning about $20 USD per hour.  If you work 10 hours a week, you can expect to earn about $800+ USD per month.  If you work 20 hours, you can earn $1600+ USD per month.  If you cranked out 35 hours per week, you can earn $2800+ USD per month.  It’s US taxable income – so you do have to set aside money to pay those!

What will I learn from taking your course?

I’m going to teach you how to nail your interview, find the best jobs and walk you through the application process.  There are multiple companies out there and I’ll help you select the best one based on your experience and needs.  You’ll also learn how to maximize your earnings with the bonus incentives and how to avoid burn out (it’s a real thing!).

As a bonus, I’ll share my Wander Planning Techniques – how to book your classes around your travel plans, travel smarter by selecting the best AirBnb property for your teaching and great tips on how to save on your travel expenses.

How much does the course cost?

You can sign up for my FREE E-Book on our blog Her online course is just $229.

What is the #1 digital nomad hotspot?

Chiang Mai, Thailand is the number 1 place to be – and the time zone works out wonderfully.  For Mexico, it’s Playa del Carmen.

How do you decide where to go next?

We consider the cost of living, the time zone and visa ease. We’re looking at Eastern Europe next because it has all three. Rachel has some great tips on how to travel economically, which you can read about in the blog. One of her favorites is to open a new credit card with free travel rewards. Use those rewards, close the card and open another. This is called “Travel Hacking.”

Even if you’re just a little bit curious about this lifestyle, reach out to them – they are resourceful and wonderful people. I mean, haven’t you dreamed of leaving your current hamster wheel?

About the Author

Picture of Charlotte Guptill

Charlotte Guptill

I fell in love with PV on my first trip in 2008 and came back to visit every chance I got. I moved here January 2019 - and I'm experiencing so many things that I want to share. If you feel like you can add to my posts with your own experiences, feel free.

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