Is PV Dog Friendly

Is PV dog friendly

It’s a common question that comes up a lot, but PV is super dog friendly.

When I moved from the states to PV earlier this year, my husband and I brought our dog, Riley.  One of the cool things about PV is that it’s a very dog friendly town.

Many of the restaurants are dog friendly, especially along the Malecon.  I find that places with outdoor seating are usually fine, and it’s likely that if the doors are closed and the AC is on, Fido might not be welcome.  So if you aren’t sure, it’s best to ask.

Taxis will allow small-ish dogs and often on my way home, I pop into Oxxo to pick something up, with Riley in tow.  I know back in the states that would be a big no-no.

If you let your dog run off leash, keep in mind that while your dog might be well behaved, not all dogs are.  Be mindful where your dog is at all times.  Keep baggies handy, everyone here is pretty good at picking up after their dog.

Keep in mind that some people have a fear of dogs and others have allergies.  Walking your dog on the Malecon  is best in the morning when it’s not too busy.  Once it gets busy, it can be a lot for your dog to take in.  And then the fireworks go off around 9-9:30-ish and there’s a whole new bag of issues.

Where do you bring your dog that is dog friendly?

About the Author

Picture of Charlotte Guptill

Charlotte Guptill

I fell in love with PV on my first trip in 2008 and came back to visit every chance I got. I moved here January 2019 - and I'm experiencing so many things that I want to share. If you feel like you can add to my posts with your own experiences, feel free.

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