Several nonprofits rely on a yearly fundraiser to support their cause – and the pandemic and economic collapse threaten their ability to do so. Many rely on in-person events to capture the attention of potential donors – and so it’s fair to say that nonprofits are stressed.
How do we ask donors for a gift? In these times?
People are going to be a bit choosier when it comes to giving – but I believe they will still give. How far does my money go to help this cause? How important is this cause right now in these uncertain times?
One such fundraiser that is grappling with their event is What A Drag. This event takes place once a year – straight men dress and perform in drag to compete for the Miss What A Drag crown. It’s a huge event – and last year over 700 people packed Teatro Theatre to raise over one million pesos for the Casa Esperanza Women’s Shelter. This event provides over 1/3 of the annual budget for the shelter.
Why the women’s shelter? For starters, they provide a guiding force and support system for countless women and children caught in an abusive relationship. Two out of three women in Mexico are abused. Without the ability to save their own money, they have nowhere to go. They turn to the shelter – which provides a safe place, food, clothing, daycare, mental health services, medicine and more.
The money raised from this single event pays to keep the shelter open for 4 months. You have guessed correctly that the government offers extremely limited funds – there is no guarantee of government funding.
Abusive relationships don’t take a break while the shelter is closed – in fact, there has been a sharp upturn in the number of violent cases. Covid has made things far worse in the home while stressed family members take it out on those that cannot defend themselves.

The What A Drag fundraiser will go on to support these women in need – organizers are finalizing the details and will announce their event soon. It will look a little bit different this year in keeping with the respectful protocols due to the pandemic. The seven contestants are already practicing – for an event that won’t happen for another 4 months. Talk about commitment!
For those of you who can consider a gift – you’re money goes far here in Mexico. And when you consider that 70% of the women here are victims, you’re helping a lot of them transition to a better life.
For more details on the event and donating can be found on their Facebook page.